
1. Entering to your webstore [Back Office] and [Login].

2. Go to Left [Menu] -> [Shipping] -> [Carrier].

3. The available delivery option will display in list.

4. We had pre-prepared you some useful delivery method you can adjust in details or switch on / off:

4a. Self Pickup

4b. Free Shipping

4c. Delivery by Weight (West Malaysia)

4d. Delivery by Weight (East Malaysia)

4e. Delivery by Amount (West Malaysia)

4f. Delivery by Amount  (East Malaysia)

others, if you're using other like FMX / J&T / POS Laju and etc (You may contact us at support if you got the shipping rate table and would our team to help you to prepare into your system, separate labor charges will applied.

5. Click [Add New Carrier] button, and click [Add New Carrier] again.

6. [General Setting] tab for name, estimate transition time you prefer, follow by [delivery logo] and than click [Next].

7. [Shipping Location and costs] tab, Choose this delivery [Billing] calculation by weight or amount.

8. You can now enter the charges for different location [KlangValley] or [Peninsular Malaysia] or [Sabah] or [Sarawak] by weight or order amount.

9. Click [Next] for [Size, Weight and Group Access], Click [Next] and than [Finish].
