
1. Entering to your webstore [Back Office] and [Login].

2. Go to Left [Menu] -> [Catalog] -> [Products].

3. Click [Product] you would like to edit and.

4. Click Tab 8 - [Images].

4.1. Click [Add Files] button on top to upload image from your computer. (Best view resolution is 800x800, maximum file size is lower than 1MB each image)

4.2. Wait for your computer to upload for few seconds. (Depend on how many image you upload)

4.3. New upload image will appear in the list. (Additional uploaded image will display bottom if got image uploaded before)

4.4. You can product cover image by tick the [Cover] check-box.

4.5. You can drag the [ + ] to move the sequence of image to display as your preference. 

4.6. Click [Save and Stay] to save action above and stay same page.
